October 13, 2008

shinee attack!!

haha, recently we’re watching shinee reality show and loved it. it’s make me love key more. xp. but the things i want to talk about here is onew condition..
hahaha. this dork leader is awful. how do lsm choose the leader? eeteuk and onew are his ‘biggest’ mistake. XP.

from shineesubs, a compilation of onew condition…

Shinee members composed a song for Onew’s talent of being nonsense.
The lyrics goes like:
♪♫♪”뭘해도 온유상태”♪♫♪
which translates to:
♪♫♪”Whatever he does, it’s Onew Condition”♪♫♪

Jonghyun Talks about Onew : Onew hyung is not funny. The mood goes way down. Waaaaaaay down. We even made a name for this condition. Onew condition.

credit : judeism@shineesoompithread